  • 期刊


On the Nature Chi Theory of Liu Tzung-yuan




When it comes to traditional Chinese theories on metaphysical ontology, there are mainly six types: Chi (a special natural force) ontology, Doctrine ontology, Nix ontology, Void ontology, Ration ontology, and Mind ontology. The Chi ontology can be divided into Nature Chi ontology, Immortal Chi ontology, and Morality Chi ontology. Regarding the Morality Chi ontology in Confucianism thoughts, the theories of Mencius and Hsun-tze have been the two mainstreams. The Chi ontology advocated by Liu Tzung-yuan (773-819) is basically a type of the Nature Chi ontology, which followed Hsun-tze's theory of heaven-mankind relations to develop morality-sense Chi ontology. Such ontology, though bearing the Confucianism's morality-sense Chi ontology, has more nature-sense than that of morality-sense, but less than that of immortal-sense. This article intends to discuss the influence of Liu's many ideas of Nature Chi ontology-including his advocate of sages' doctrines, the relations between natural quality-postnatal moral culture, the nature-sense of mutual non-intervention between heaven and mankind, as well as the transition from Nature Chi ontology to the natural endowments of morality-sense-- on later generations.


(魏)王弼 (晉)韓康伯注 (唐)孔穎達疏:《南宋初刻本周易注疏》(上海:上海古籍出版社 2014 年 7 月),《繫辭上》,頁 689。
(宋)張載撰,(明)王夫之注《張子正蒙注•太和篇》(台北:世界書局 2013 年 11 月),頁 3。
(唐)成玄英疏:《老子義疏》(台北:廣文書局,1974 年 3 月),頁 280。
(晉)郭象注,(唐)成玄英疏《南華真經注疏》(台北:中華書局,2008 年 5 月),頁 145。
樓宇烈校釋:《王弼集校釋》(台灣:華正書局,2006 年 8 月),頁 27。。

