  • 期刊


Organizations and Systems: Prof. Jin-Ling Wang's Observation of Chinese Classics




人性 欲望 衝突 宗法制度 行權


From angles of desires, conflicts, and social systems to observe Chinese learnings, so Prof. Jin-Ling Wang's research is quite creative and distinguished. Regretfully, with his early death, there is no time for Prof. Wang to expound his opinions. Consequently, the essay is based in his published documents and recordings. Prof. Wang considers that human beings develop systems to satisfy their desires, but also systems, their desires are limited. Patriarchal system and feudal system are the best examples of inner conflicts between systems and desires. Systems are designed to satisfy but also limited human desires; hence the conflicts will finally lead to the destruction and transformation of systems. At the time of collapse, morality is the extreme reliance on which orders and peace can be reconstructed. The situation is traditionally so-called "ju zheng", "xing quan", and "fang jing". The right way is not according to the systems, but accommodated to circumstances. However, it is to keep the principle of the systems for the right wat to be accommodated. Prof. Wang inspects Chinese learnings from the angle of systems, but try to solve the constructive conflicts by morality. His statement is still correspondent with the theory of Da Xue (the Great Learning).


human nature desires conflicts patriarchal system xing quan


陳來:〈說儒〉,《古代宗教倫理:儒家思想的根源》(臺北:允晨文化,2005 年)
勞思光:《新編中國哲學史(一)》(臺北:三民書局,1990 年),頁 100。
牟宗三:《中國哲學十九講》(臺北:臺灣學生書局,1989 年)
梁啟超:〈先秦政治思想〉,《先秦政治思想史》(臺北:東大圖書公司,1980 年)
蕭公權:《中國政治思想史》(瀋陽:遼寧教育出版社,1998 年)
