  • 期刊

Pulmonary Mucormycosis: Successful Combination of Amphotericin-B Therapy and Surgical Resection - A Case Report

肺白黴菌病:成功結合內科藥物和外科手術治療 - 病例報告



肺白黴菌病是一稀少且快速變化的致命疾病,在臨床上常無法和肺炎區別。重要的是要用較侵襲性檢查以取得病理檢體加以診斷。因為它有大量咳血的危險性,所以外科手術被認為是必需的治療方法。在一個七十歲患有糖尿病的女性,由於外科手術有高度危險情況下,先以抗黴菌藥Amphotericin B治療。在經二個月內科的有效治療後,施行上肺葉切除手術,後來病患規律地門診追蹤。在有手術困難而且單一肺病灶的病人,先以內科治療,再隨病人情況施行外科手術,也是一個可考慮的治療方式。


Pulmonary mucormycosis is an uncommon opportunistic mycoses that is indistinguishable from bacterial pneumonia, and usually has a rapid progression. It is very important to obtain histopathologic specimens and a diagnosis with more invasive procedures. The risk of massive hemoptysis makes us believe that surgery is an essential part of the management of this disease. In a 70-year-old diabetic female who was developing pulmonary mucormycosis, intravenous amphotericin B therapy was initially started due to the high risk of surgery. A lobectomy, left upper lobe, was performed in spite of clinical improvement and a partial roentgenographic resolution within 2 months of medical therapy. The patient was regularly followed up at the OPD now. Combined medical-surgery therapy is an alternative for those with solitary pulmonary mucormycosis and who are poor candidates for surgery initially.
