  • 期刊

Squamous Papilloma and Papillomatosis of the Airway-A Report of 3 Cases





Squamous papillomatosis of the airway is an uncommon disease. One of its common characteristic features is the frequent recurrence and extension of the warty growth of the lesions. Squamous papilloma is rare. It may occur in the upper to lower airway, and is usually seen in male adults who smoke. Complete resection of the lesions is the key to preventing their spread and recurrence. Airway obstruction and malignant transformation are the most severe complications with frequent recurrence. We report 3 cases with airway involvement. Case 1, a 45-year-old female, was diagnosed to have a solitary squamous papilloma in the trachea. She underwent complete resection of the tumor, and has enjoyed an event-free life in the 14 months following treatment, up to this writing. Case 2, a 16-year-old girl, and Case 3, a 52-year-old male, had suffered from recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis since childhood, and underwent tracheostomy to keep the airway patent, within 1 and 2 years, respectively, after the onset of the disease. Case 3 developed squamous cell carcinoma 48 years after the onset of the disease. We discuss the cases and also review the relevant literature.
