  • 期刊

Pancreatic Pseudocyst Presenting as a Posterior Mediastinal Mass



縱膈腫瘤的診斷通常可藉由其所在位置來考慮,在後縱膈最常見的腫瘤為神經細胞腫瘤,胰臟偽囊腫以後縱膈腫瘤表現非常少見,最近二十年來英文文獻大約只有40到50個案被報告。通常縱膈腫瘤大多沒有症狀或以胸腔方面的症候表現,相對於此縱膈胰臟偽囊腫則常以腹痛和體重減輕來表現。 我們將報告一個48歲男性表現上腹持續悶痛四天合併最近一個月體重減輕三公斤的病例,其胸腔影像呈現後縱膈腫瘤,經重組電腦斷層影像發現一個厚壁的偽囊腫自胰臟沿伸到下縱膈腔。且縱膈切開術與病理的發現符合縱膈胰臟偽囊腫的診斷。後來這個病患接受胸外引流的手術後,經一個月門診的追蹤並沒有發現任何復發的症狀。


Pancreatic pseudocyst presenting as a mediastinal mass is very rare. Approximately 40 to 50 cases have been reported in the English literature over the last 2 decades. Usually, mediastinal tumors are asymptomatic or present with thoracic symptoms. By contrast, the most common presenting symptoms of mediastinal pancreatic pseudocysts are abdominal pain and weight loss. We report a 48-year-old man with epigastric dull pain for 4 days and weight loss of 3 kilograms in the most recent months. He had a medical history of alcoholic pancreatitis and gall bladder stone. Chest radiography showed a posterior mediastinal mass. Reformatted oblique coronary computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed a thick-wall pseudocyst extending from the pancreas to the lower mediastinum. After mediastinotomy, the pathology of the mass was found to be compatible with the diagnosis of pseudocyst. The patient was then managed surgically by external drainage. In the follow-up visit within 1 month after discharge, no recurrent symptom was found.
