  • 期刊

Bochdalek Hernia with Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration in an Adult: A Case Report





We report a case of Bochdalek hernia with extralobar pulmonary sequestration in the hernia sac in an adult, which is extremely rare clinically. An incidental finding of a cystic lesion in the left lower lung field was made in a 22-year-old man. Computed tomography of the chest disclosed a diaphragmatic hernia in the the posterior-medial part of the left hemidiaphragm (Bochdalek hernia). The surgical finding was left kidney and colon herniation into the chest. However, pathologic examination demonstrated extra-lobar pulmonary sequestration in the hernia sac, in addition to the Bochdalek hernia. Based on the pathological findings and the sequence of embryonic development, we speculated that the sequestrated extrapulmonary lung, which occurred in the development of the fetus, might have occupied the site of the pleuroperitoneal canal and hindered its complete closure, hence forming the diaphragmatic hernia.
