

自發性肺血鐵質沉積症(idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis)發生的原因和病理機轉不明。自發性肺血鐵質沉積症的臨床表現以呼吸困難、貧血、咳血。胸部X光片以瀰漫性毛玻璃狀陰影表現。我們這裡提出一個病人以漸進式呼吸困難、反覆性咳血、溶血性貧血及肺炎的胸部X光表現,我們排除了自體免疫、血液疾病、腎臟疾病及肺炎感染,後經由支氣管鏡取樣病灶部位的病理切片顯示大量血鐵質堆積的巨嗜細胞,後來使用了靜脈注射的類固醇取得良好的療效。


Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is a rare cause of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and has an unknown etiology and pathogenesis. The clinical presentations of IPH include dyspnea, anemia, and hemoptysis. Chest radiography often reveals diffuse ground glass and ill-defined opacities. Herein, we report a patient with iron-deficiency anemia. The patient had progressive dyspnea, recurrent hemoptysis, hemolytic anemia and alveolar opacities on chest film that were difficult to differentiate from other types of pneumonitis. We excluded autoimmune disease, coagulopathy, renal disease, and pulmonary infection. The pathology report from the transbronchial biopsy revealed hemosiderin-laden macrophages. Intravenous prednisolone was useful in alleviating the symptoms.
