  • 期刊


Platform Strategy Analysis for Taiwanese Mobile Payment Market Using Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis




The competition of Taiwan m-payment market is becoming increasingly fierce. Developing winning product strategies to enhance competitive advantages has become a great challenge for Taiwanese firms. M-payment can be considered as a two-sided market, where the user value on either side of the m-payment platform depends on the number of users on the other side. It is important to understand the preferences of users on both sides. This study applies hierarchical Bayes choice-based conjoint analysis to understand how consumers and merchants make trade-offs adoption decisions among various m-payment platforms and determine their preferences. Cluster analysis and discriminate analysis are then applied to understand market segments of consumers and merchants and examine major characteristics of individual segments. A major Taiwanese firm is used as a case company to formulate a differentiated product strategy based on the platform theory. We suggest that the case company can position themselves as a simple and convenient m-payment brand and target on students and small food-and-beverage vendors. The company can offer mobile device compatibility, binding e-payment or debit cards, password or fingerprint identification, and cash discounts for students; and barcode payments, streamlined payment process, password authentication, and subsidies for small food-and-beverage vendors. The developed strategies is expected to increase user installed bases to reach the critical mass on both sides, enhancing the cross-side network effect that accelerates the growing market shares of Taiwanese m-payment firms.


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