  • 期刊

Multi-Sided Online Market Platform: Ecosystems and Business Models



The online market platform literature focuses on the technology used to construct the system and on developing the new business model, and rarely explores the potentials based on the extension Peer to Peer (P2P) ground. Further, previous discussions of the P2P transaction model largely explore two-sided transactions, and focus on cash flow related topics. This study investigates a new application of the P2P transaction model in a cross-nation, multi-sided market, and includes the platform's applications and business model. This is a new extension of the original P2P concept and is more useful, offering a number of products, services, and other business activities. This study thus designs a large transaction platform based on the P2P concept which can be used in a cross-national, multi-sided market to construct a large ecosystem. This extension of the P2P platform can collect many different roles and users and in a more cohesive manner, with attendant benefits for all parties.


過往線上交易平台文獻的討論主題多以系統建構與承載其上的平台作為討論主題,較少文獻以對等網路交易平台(Peer to Peer,P2P)概念的本質去做延展性的P2P可能性的討論。且之前文獻主要針對雙邊交易、及平台上金流部分作探討。針對這樣的文獻缺口,本研究探討一個新的跨國、多邊市場、並且含括了其商務模式的P2P延伸性拓展的機會與可能性的討論。藉由這樣的模式,本文討論了延伸過往原始的P2P概念,並提供了多樣商品、服務、與企業活動如何藉由此方式做更多的延伸機會。在這個討論的模式上,不同角色與不同使用者能得以更加凝聚,並起共同分享到新平台的更多優勢機會。


跨國 對等網路交易平台 多邊


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