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Comparison between the Virtual and Physical Wedge for Transmission Factors


目的:測量西門子PRIMUS直線加速器中虛擬式楔型濾器和實體楔型濾器在不同的照野下,對於濾器穿透因子的比較分析,以瞭解虛擬式楔型濾器的特性與實際應用上所應考量的因素。 材料與方法:以Wellhöfer IC15,0.13cc防水遊離腔固定於Wellhöfer (48 ×48×40立方公分水假體中,將射源到水假體水面的位置(SSD)調至100公分,遊離腔擺放於中心軸深度下5公分(6MV)或10公分(15MV)處,分別測量實體和虛擬式楔型濾器在15°、30°、45°和 60°四種不同角度之在照野由4×4cm^2到25×25cm^2變化下之輸出劑量,然後比較實體和虛擬式楔型濾器在照野不同的情況下,其穿透因子的變化情形。 結果:實體楔型濾器和虛擬式楔型濾器之穿透因子對於照野大小的變化截然不同。實體楔型濾器之穿透因子隨照野變大有緩慢上升的趨勢,平均增加率為觀,最大增加6%之多,且不同角度之楔型濾器有不同的穿透因子。但在虛擬式楔型濾器中四種不同角度的穿透因子平均分佈在數值1.0附近,此與動態式楔型濾器截然不同,另外,雖然其穿透因子也會隨著照野變化有緩慢上升的趨勢。平均增加率為1.7%,最大增加3%,但在劑量計算隨機誤差上,視為可容忍忽略範圍內。 結論:對於虛擬式楔型濾器穿透因子皆分佈在數值1.0附近,代表了在照野垂直中心軸位置,有加濾器時的劑量輸出值等於沒有加濾器時的劑量輸出值,而這表示在臨床的應用上,對於虛擬式楔型濾器之穿透因子所佔有的影響因素很小。


Purpose: The transmission factors of virtual wedges and physical wedges were measured on different field sizes for a Siemens PRIMUS 3008 linear accelerator to assess and analyze characteristics of virtual wedges. Materials and Methci4.: The Wellhöfer 1C15, 0.13 cc chamber was setup on the chamber frame of Wellhöfer water phantom (48×48×40 cm^3). The distance between the source and the surface of water is 100 cm. Transmission factors in water were measured at 5cm depth (6 MV) and 10cm depth (15 MV) of the central axis for four wedge angles (15°, 30°, 45°, 60°) at field sizes ranging from 4.0 to 25.0 cm. Results The transmission factors of physical wedges increase slowly as filed size increase. The mean increment is 4% and the maximum increment is 6%. However, the transmission factors of virtual wedges remain almost constant (1.0) for all the wedge angles. The mean increment is 1.7%, and the maximum increment is 3%. Conclusion Transmission factors of all virtual wedges are almost constant It means that the output without a wedge is almost equal to the output with a wedge at the central axis. This tells us the transmission factors are not the primary influence factor on clinical applications of virtual wedge.
