  • 期刊


The Investigation of Service Quality and Satisfaction for Cancer Patients Treated by Radiotherapy


目的:強化服務品質進而增加病患之滿意度是醫療機構之責任。傳統服務品質之概念是否適用於接受放射治療之癌症病患及其對病患滿意度之影響是值得探討之議題。 材料與方法:本研究使用依研究環境修改後之SERVQUAL五個服務品質構面與滿意度調查量表,自2007年11月至2008年3月為止對203位接受完放射治療之癌症病患進行問卷調查。進行信效度檢測,收集人口學與臨床變項,並統計分析影響服務品質與滿意度之相關因子。 結果:量表各子題之漏答率介於0-1.5%。信效度檢測顯示各構面Cronbach's α值介於0.92至0.96(大於門檻值0.7),同時具有良好之區別與聚合效度(discriminate and convergent validity)。在人口學變項部分,顯示經濟狀況愈佳者對服務品質之保證性(p=0.03)及反應性(p=0.02)統計上呈現有意義之較高評價。臨床變項部分,不論是看診醫師年資、癌症期別、放射治療部位、放射治療技術、或放射治療劑量,對五個服務品質構面及滿意度並無任何統計上有意義之影響。多變項分析顯示,五個服務品質構面中,反應性、可靠性與保證性對滿意度具統計上有意義之影響(R^2=0.681)。 結論:傳統服務品質之概念是適用於接受放射治療之癌症病患,醫療機構藉由提高其醫療人員服務之反應性、可靠性與保證性可有效提升病患滿意度。


服務品質 滿意度 放射治療


Purpose: It is the duty of the medical institutes to increase the patients' satisfaction by improving their service quality. Whether the conventional used concept of service quality could be applied in cancer patients treated by radiotherapy is an issue to be investigated. Materials and Methods: The constructed questionnaire incorporating the five service quality domains based on the environment-adjusted SERVQUAL questionnaire and the questionnaire about satisfaction was completed by 203 cancer patients after finishing the course of radiotherapy from Nov. 2007 to Mar. 2008. The psychometric test of the questionnaire was performed and the collected sociodemographic-and medical-related variables were analyzed for their association with the outcomes of service quality and satisfaction. Results: The missing rate of each question ranged 0-1.5%. The psychometric test revealed the value of Cronbach's α was adequate (range: 0.92-0.96) for each domain, with excellent results in the discriminate and convergent validity. As regards the sociodemographic variables, only those patients with a higher socioeconomic level were observed to have a significantly better expression in the service quality domain of Assurance (p=0.03) and Reliability (p=0.02). On the contrast, no significant correlation was observed between the variables of the seniority of the attending physicians, cancer stages, radiation sites, radiation techniques, or the radiation doses with the outcomes of the five service quality domains and patients' satisfaction. In the multivariate analysis, we found the service quality domains of Responsiveness, Reliability, and Assurance were significant predictors correlated with patients' satisfaction (R^2=0.681 in the model). Conclusion: The conventional used concept of service quality could be applied in cancer patients treated by radiotherapy. The medical institutes could increase the patients’ satisfaction by improving their service quality of Responsiveness, Reliability, and Assurance.


Service quality Satisfaction Radiotherapy


