  • 期刊

洪鐘大呂 遺響千古:周法高先生〈中國語言學的過去、現在和未來〉(上)

The Large Bell Sounds Far and Wide: the Past, Present and Future of Chinese Linguistics by Mr. Chou Fa-Kao


吾鄉先賢周法高先生〈中國語言學的過去、現在和未來〉(1965/1980),應視為中國語言學史綱。本文主要就此研讀箋注:1. 提煉主要觀點;2. 補苴缺漏之處(包括近幾十年的新研究);3. 闡述相關問題。周先生強調,中國語言學史研究應包括外國人的中國語研究,眼光要遠大一點。此「合古今中外而冶之」精神,即後學三十年前最大受教。「洪鐘大呂、遺響千古」,此之謂也。


周法高 中國語言學史 提煉 補苴 闡述


The Past, Present and Future of Chinese Linguistics (1965/1980) by Mr. Chou Fa-Kao should be regarded as "the Outline of Chinese linguistics." The article studies the following issues. 1. Refining the main point; 2. Improving the research in recent decades; 3. Illustrating the related issues. Mr. Chou stressed that the study of Chinese Linguistics History should be done in a wider perspective, to include foreigners' studies. The history of Chinese linguistics should be studied all times and in all over the world. This spirit is the most important benefit I got thirty years ago. This is exactly what the old-saying "the Large Bell Sounds Far and Wide" means..
