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The "production of space" trialectics of Chinese literati garden




Chinese literati garden is a unique type of space specifically produced in Chinese culture. Along with the formation of aesthetics, writing discourse and practice of living in the garden, this cultural space emerged and continued for more than 1500 years in traditional Chinese society. Although a rich variety of studies on Chinese literati garden have been done, how this kind of cultural space was "produced" seldom explored. Especially, while abundant resources of space theories were developed since the last quarter of the 20^(th) century, many theories provide various humanistic dimensions of space which this article consider can be adopted to the study of the production of Chinese literati garden. Based on the cultural characteristics of Chinese literati gardens, three sets of triads introduced by Henri Lefebvre in his Production of Space, namely, "the physical-metal-social triad," "the perceived -conceived-living triad" and "the spatial practice-representations of space-representational spaces triad", are adopted as methods to study in-depth the production of Chinese literati garden. This article also proposes a set of "production of space triad" - "aesthetic-discourse-practice", to study several of the writings relevant to Chinese garden since Wei-Jin to Qing Dynasty. Through the study, it is found that the Chinese literati garden is an "in-between" space and a so-called "The Third Space" which breaks the dichotomy of "being an official" and "being a recluse" for the ancient Chinese literati.


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