  • 期刊


A Study on Odes to Wine in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties: Focus on the works of Cao Zhi, Wang Can, Zhang Zai and Zou Yang




漢魏六朝 辭賦 酒賦


Based on the Cifu works of Cao Zhi, Wang Can, Zhang Zai and Zou Yang, this paper studies the writing characteristics and cultural implications of odes to wine (Jiu Fu) in Han, Wei and Six dynasties. It is found that these writers praised the greatness of wine at the beginning of their works. First of all, they praised wine for its political, ceremonial and social benefits. In addition, they believed that wine had plant-like vitality and was therefore a symbol of cosmic order. They also praised wine as a way to forget worries. However, these writers also believed that alcohol had a negative effect so that they ended their works by warning people not to drink too much. From the pre-Qin to the Wei and Jin dynasties, people had two main views on wine: one was that wine had the same health effect as food. Secondly, drinking and eating must be regulated by etiquette to avoid negative effects. It can be seen that those who drank wine described in these works never violated courtesy. This shows that from the pre-Qin to the Wei and Jin dynasties, literati's concept of wine was combined with the ethical spirit.


Han Wei and Six dynasties wine ode to wine Cifu


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秦.呂不韋編,許維遹集釋,《呂氏春秋集釋》,北京:中華書局,2010 年。
漢.毛亨注,唐.孔穎達疏,《毛詩正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,2001 年。
漢.鄭玄注,唐.孔穎達疏,《禮記正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,2001 年。
