  • 期刊


Incorporating Scenery Viewing into Narration: The Characteristics of Landscape Writing Manifested in Ouyang Xiu's Poems




"Landscape writing" is a common topic in the study of classical Chinese poetry. While most relevant researches in this regard often only focused on the poems of the medieval period, the studies of the Song poetry on this topic had rarely been investigated. This may be partly due to the fact found by Yoshikawa Koziro that poets in the Song Dynasty showed little interest in nature. Another reason given by Wolfgang Kubin is that Chinese people's view of nature had not changed much after Tang Dynasty. This paper discussed the landscape writing in Ouyang Xiu's poems because he is considered as one of the pioneers who creates distinctive features of Song poetry. The article titled "Incorporating Scenery Viewing into Narration" could be deemed as Ouyang's most obvious and peculiar employment in writing landscape and sceneries. He paid particular attention to the dynamic course and specific situation of objects constituting the scenery, so that a lively description of the scenery is integrated into his narrations. Besides, Ouyang used narrative sentences with clear time markers and action verbs, which were obviously different from the static syntactic forms commonly seen in previous landscape poems.


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