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A Comparison between Zheng Yongxi and Hong Qisheng's Works of "Eight-Part Essay"-Taking the Same Topic Articles as an Example




鄭用錫 洪棄生 八股文 臺灣文學


Both Zheng Yongxi and Hong Qisheng were outstanding masters in Taiwanese classical literature, and their works of "eight-part essay" are highly praised. In order to understand their achievements in "eight-part essay", it is also an effective way to compare them, besides reading the works. This paper summarizes the content and characteristics of their works of "eight-part essay", and makes an objective and specific comparison of their only works on the same topic, so as to make the characteristics and achievements of their works of "eight-part essay" more apparent. Zheng Yongxi's works of "eight-part essay" are known to have three characteristics: deep foundation, numerous branches and leaves, and vigorous momentum. The deep foundation mainly refers to his profound knowledge foundation of Confucian classics, while the numerous branches and leaves refers to his extensive development in many aspects. As for momentum, this paper considers that his essays are more classic and less powerful compared to Hong Qisheng's, due to a large number of quotations from Confucian classics. Hong Qisheng's works of "eight-part essay" are also known for their quality of "sublime". This is due to his sophisticate use of parallelism, which can really create a vast momentum. The second feature is "criticalness", because his works of this genre often contain his criticism over the society. The third major feature of his works of "eight-part essay" is that they are in line with the "Zhengjia Family Law", which is "taking ancient proses as contemporary proses" and emphasizes "the elegance and refinement of proses as well as the way of writing". Compared with Zheng Yongxi, Hong Qisheng's works of "eight-part essay" seldom directly quote classics. Besides being powerful, a quality of elegance can also be conceived in his works.


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