  • 期刊


A Study on Li Huai-min's Poetics: Based on Revised Collection of Renowned Poems in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty




In his work of Revised Collection of Renowned Poems in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty, Qing critic Li Huai-min discussed and criticized the poems and verses of selected poets in that period with a unique angle. Most importantly, he not only rediscovered the importance of the poetry of the middle and late Tang Dynasty, but also constructed a systematic theory of poetry criticism. There are three main points in this article about Li's criticism. First of all, he emphasized the lyricism and morality of poetry in reading those chosen poems. While affirming the personality of those unfortunate poets, he also revealed their deep feelings of loneliness. Secondly, Li Huai-min's comments on poems were based on historical perspective. He admired the achievements of the poets of the middle and late Tang Dynasty through the comparison with the poets of the Early Tang. Li's work illustrated the influence and enlightenment of the poetry of the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty on the poetry of Song Dynasty. Thirdly, Li's work clearly distinguished between the characteristics of Zhang Ji and Jia Dao's poems, the two major poets of that period chosen by him. As a result, Li Huai-min demonstrates Zhang and Jia's poems as two different trends of poetry and indicated the relationship between them based on their artistic characteristics. Generally speaking, Li's work discusses the essence of poetry, poetry history and distinguishing poems. From these perspectives, the article argues that Li Huai-min made great contributions to the study of Tang poetry and Qing poetic.


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