  • 期刊

何謂「女性」?: 從伍爾芙〈女性的職業〉談「家庭天使」形象的銘刻意義

What is a "woman"?: Exploring Virginia Woolf's "Professions for Women" and the Social-historical Implications of the "Angle in the House" Image




By way of discussing Virginia Woolf's ”Professions for Women,” this essay introduces the source of ”the Angle in the House,” and examines the social-historical implications of such an idealized womanhood against the background of late 19(superscript th)-early 20th Century Women's Movement. Of particular interests is how discriminations in class, gender and sexuality are inscribed into such an image to regulate the subjectivity of women. This essay suggests, ”woman” is a space of imagination, a site of contention, one fluctuated under various discursive powers.


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Leitch, Vincent B.(ed.)(2001).The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism.New York:Norton.
Amar, Akhil Reed(2005).How Women Won the Vote.The Wilson Quarterly.29(3),30-35.
Anstruther, Ian(1992).Coventry Patmore's Angel: A Study of Coventry Patmore, his Wife Emily and The Angel in the House.London:Haggerston P.
Ardis, Ann L.(1990).New Women, New Novels: Feminism and Early Modernism.New Brunswick, N.J.:Rutgers UP.
