  • 期刊


"Écart" and the Unthought in Poetry: On the Compositional Form of Esquive-Escale-Esquille Edited by Jean Lewinski


法國當代哲學家暨漢學家朱利安於二○一一年提出「間距」(écart)哲學策略,他選擇「繞道」(détour)至中國,再回歸法文思考,以反思歐洲文化中習以為常的概念與「未思」(impensé)。他認為進入兩者之間(l'entre),得以藉由並列而顯露出「思想」,使得「間距發揮效用」(faire travailler l'écart)。二○○六年,由江.雷文斯基編選的當代法國詩選《閃躲-中途停靠-碎骨片》,此書並未在法國境內發行,而是直接在臺灣出版。為了使臺灣讀者能直接感受到風格獨異的法國當代詩歌,雷文斯基挑選了十七位自一九四○至七五年間出生的法國詩人、作家,收錄他們各具特色的作品,並引介其生平,延請他們推薦心目中值得中譯的文學作品等,除了編輯方式以法文和中文並行的形式呈現外,雷文斯基加入了六段「換氣句子」(phrase de respiration)斷開章節編目,使「目錄」、「導言」、「作品」、「作者簡介」和「期刊、詩集出版社及文化機構」等幾個主題之間拉開「間距」。本文即以「間距」方法,分析選集中幾位法國詩人作品,試探此選集在內容與形式安排上的實驗性質,藉此開發現代詩更多可能性。


Contemporary French philosopher and sinologist François Jullien raised the concept of "écart" in 2011. He chose to "detour" into Chinese and then returned to French to reflect on the thought and "impensé" (unthought) that are taken for granted in the European culture. He believed that only through getting into l'écart can we parallel the thought, manifest it, and the manifestation of which will "faire travailler l'écart." In 2006, a collection of poems Esquive-Escale-Esquille edited by Jean Lewinski was published in Taiwan before it has yet to be released in France. To familiarize his Taiwanese readers with contemporary French poems, Lewinski carefully picked seventeen French poets who emerged between 1940s and 1970s, introduced their biographies and their times, and presented their representative works. Furthermore, these writers were asked to propose literary works that, in their opinions, should be and could be translated into Chinese. In the collection, Lewinski not only paralleled the French version with Chinese version. Six "phrases de respiration" were taken to separate each chapter. With "écart" the sequential chapter titles, "Introduction," "preface," "author," and "journal, press, publisher and institution" appeared to be isolated. An examination of the "écart" in the experimental works from Esquive-Escale-Esquille may demonstrate more possibilities in contemporary poetry.


Heidegger, Martin [馬丁.海德格] (2004)《林中路》(Holzwege, 1950)。孫周興(譯)。上海:上海譯文。
Jullien, François [朱利安] (2013)《間距與之間:論中國與歐洲思想之間的哲學策略》(L’écart et l’entre: D’une stratégie philosophique, entre pensée chinoise et européenne)。卓立、林志明(譯)。臺北:五南。
