  • 期刊


Viewing Cross-regionality from the Four Characteristics of Modern Poetry - The Interactions of Short Poetry in Chinese World




小詩 跨地區 互動 左右腦


In recent years, the exchanges and discussions of Chinese modern poetry in Taiwan, China, and Southeast Asia have reached a peak. Various types of poetry seminars, frequent exchanges of poetry activities, and interactions on the Internet, will surely have significant influences on the future developments of modern poetry. Among the discussions of the forms of poetry, the cross-regional developments of short poetry have attracted much attention. This paper will first probe into the four characteristics of future poetry: polarity, interactivity, cross-border, and omnibearing, to point out the possible rank of short poetry. Then, it will elaborate on the exchanges and interactions related to Chinese short poetry (haiku, truncated lines, micro-poems) in China, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia in recent years. Finally, this paper will explore the relations between the left brain and the right brain presented in Ding-jun Wang's Dream and Shan Qin's Dream, and thus investigate the development of short poetry and the possibility of it becoming "ubiquitous," in the hope of providing a reference for modern poetry writers in the future.


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陳幸蕙,〈讓人間更可愛的一個方法〉(序),見其主編,《小詩星河》(臺北:幼獅文化,2007),頁 3。
徐竹影,〈詩〉,金築主編,《葡萄園小詩》(臺北:詩藝文出版社,1997),頁 207。
沈奇,〈肉身的迷途與靈魂的倒影──讀法蒂哈的詩〉,2010 年 12 月14日,見 http://www. fatihamorchid.com/2012-02-04-02-29-16/2012-03-21-01-20-51/217-ar-reflect-th-lost-of-body-and-soul-2011。
白靈,〈閃電和螢火蟲淺論小詩〉,《臺灣詩學季刊》第 18 期「小詩運動專輯」,1997年 3 月。頁 25-33。
