  • 期刊


Acting Otherwise: The Institutionalization of Women Gender Studies in Taiwan Universities




This study is an analysis of the role of intellectual activism in the emergence and institutionalization of women's/gender studies in Taiwan, within the context of the broader feminist project that has shaped this nascent academic field worldwide. The key motivation for doing this research was the crucial need to understand the interplay between feminist identity and action, and between action and structure. The primary issue of the study concerns the strategies of action that have been used by feminist scholars to attain the institutionalization of women's/gender studies in Taiwan's universities. I employ a microfoundational approach to explore the interplay of identity, action and structure, and to scrutinize how, and by what means, feminist scholars have created networks, formed identities, strategized action, and transmitted as well as produced feminist perspectives and knowledge. The form, scope, and degree of the institutionalization of women's/gender studies is the result of the multifaceted efforts of these people whom I call pathfinders. The emergence and growth of women's/gender studies denotes a movement involving scholars who identify with a dynamic, socially grounded feminism, and construct specific strategies of action to pursue women's/gender studies while being theoretically concerned with the interplay among identity, action and structure.


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