  • 期刊



本研究的目的在比較不同的訓練方式對於冠狀心臟疾病項目(由統計方法遴選)所造成的影響。研究對象為十九位長距離跑者(每週跑55公里左右且持續最少六個月以上),十九位重量訓練者(每週最少訓練三天,訓練六個主要肌肉群以上,持續最少四個月以上且未服用合成代謝的類脂醇(Anabolic Steroids),男性賀爾蒙)和十九位同年齡(21歲到35歲)未從事規律運動的人。 血脂肪(膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、低密度脂蛋白、高密度脂蛋白等)的測定是在研究對象不吃任何食物12小時且在最後一次運動48個小時以後抽取血液而加以分析。兩次血液樣本的採取間隔時間為一星期。體脂肪的估計是採用水中密度測量法。最大氧攝取量是利用電動跑道(Treadmill)逐漸增加負荷法使受試者達到其最大運動量,並分析其氧和二氧化碳的成分。 皮爾遜相關矩陣表用以決定每個測驗項目間的正負相關,其結果顯示除了脈波傳導速度(Pulse wave velocity)外,所有的測量項目皆有顯著的相關。因素分析(包括主成份分析)用以選擇代表性的項目(由所有的測驗項目)。低密度脂蛋白、高密度脂蛋白、體脂肪百分比和最大氧攝取量四個項目由因素分析法選出並以多變項分析法加以處理。同時信賴區間(Simultaneous Confidence interval)事後比較法則用以比較各選擇項目在三組中的差異。其結果如下: 一、身體組成(Body Composition)、最大氧攝取量和血脂肪等項目有顯著的相關。 二、耐力訓練者、重量訓練者和不運動者的低密度脂蛋白並沒有顯著的差異。 三、耐力訓練者的高密度脂蛋白顯著高於平常不運動者。但重量訓練者與耐力訓練者或與不運動者的高密度脂蛋白並沒有顯著的差異。 四、耐力訓練者的體脂肪百分此(% Body fat)顯著低於不運動者。但重量訓練者的體脂肪百分比與耐力訓練者和不運動並沒有顯著的差異。 五、耐力訓練者的最大氧攝取量顯著高於重量訓練者和不運動者。重量訓練者和不運動者的最大氧攝取量並沒有顯著的差異。




The purpose of this study was to compare training modalities in terms of selected coronary heart disease indices. Fifty-seven male volunteers served as subjects. Nineteen were endurance trained subjects, nineteen were strength trained weightlifters and the other nineteen subjects were age-matched sedentary controls. The blood lipids were measured from 2 blood samples collected 7 days apart following a12-hour fast and 48 hours after the last bout of exercise. Hydrostatic weighing was used to determine percent body fat. The VO2max was determined utilizing a treadmill protocol. A correlation matrix was developed to identify the degree and direction of relationships among the investigated variables. The data revealed that all the investigated variables except PWV were intercorrelated. A factor analysis was applied to select the representative variables from all the variables for a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The variables of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), %BF and VO2max were selected from factor analysis and were analyzed by MANOVA.A simultaneous confidence interval post hoc procedure was used to determine the differentces among the three different groups. The following conclusions are warranted: 1. Body composition,VO2max and blood lipid profile were significantly intercorrelated. 2. Endurance runners, weightlifters and sedentary controls did not differ in their LDL-C concentration. 3. Endurance runners had a significantly higher average HDL-C concentration than sedentary individuals. Weightlifters did not differ from runners or sedentary individuals in terms of HDL-C concentrations. 4. The %BF of endurance subjects was significantly lower than sedentary individuals. The %BF of weightlifters was not different from that of runners or sedentary subjects. 5.The VO2max of endurance subjects was significantly higher than weightlifters and sedentary controls. Weightlifters and sedentary individuals did not differ in terms of VO2max.




