  • 期刊


Imagery Perspective and Fine Motor Skil Learning


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between internal and external imagery perspective with motor skill learning. During the test of imagination, the subjects' successful percetion and imaginal switch are also examined in this study. The time of test on target, measured by ”Photoelectric Rotary Pursuit”, is named as ”Dependent Valueable” The length of each test is 20 sec. All subjects were redomly assigned as control, internal, or external group. A baseline was established after pretest. The subjects received eight different specific treatment, then they went for the post-test. A one-way ANCOVA revealed: internal imagery perspective group, external imagery perspective group, and control group differed significantly (F=14.53,P<0.05). Post hoc comparison (Tuket method)revealed that the performance of internal and external imagery perspective groups significantly better than control group. The subjects had been frequently switched during external and internal imagery. The successful perception of subjects in internal or external imagery perspective group is ranged as {strong} and {medium}.The frequency of imaginal switch is high, and this might be the reason that an obvious difference between internal and external imagery perspective groups can not be found.


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between internal and external imagery perspective with motor skill learning. During the test of imagination, the subjects' successful percetion and imaginal switch are also examined in this study. The time of test on target, measured by ”Photoelectric Rotary Pursuit”, is named as ”Dependent Valueable” The length of each test is 20 sec. All subjects were redomly assigned as control, internal, or external group. A baseline was established after pretest. The subjects received eight different specific treatment, then they went for the post-test. A one-way ANCOVA revealed: internal imagery perspective group, external imagery perspective group, and control group differed significantly (F=14.53,P<0.05). Post hoc comparison (Tuket method)revealed that the performance of internal and external imagery perspective groups significantly better than control group. The subjects had been frequently switched during external and internal imagery. The successful perception of subjects in internal or external imagery perspective group is ranged as {strong} and {medium}.The frequency of imaginal switch is high, and this might be the reason that an obvious difference between internal and external imagery perspective groups can not be found.


