  • 期刊


The Validity Generalization of Step Test as a Measure of the Maximal Oxygen Intake




The validity generalization model was utilized in this study to examine the generalizability of the validity of step test as a measure of the maximal oxygen intake. Forty five studies pertained to the validity of step test as a measure of the maximal oxygen intake had been reviewed, among which one-stage step test was utilized in 31 studies whereas multi-stage step test was utilized in the others. Among the 2177 participants reviewed, 1717 were males and 460 were females. The findings were indicated as follow:(1)the validity of step test as a measure of the maximal oxygen intake, that be measured on ergometer, tradmill or the others, was not found generalizable; (2)the validity of step test was more generalizable for women than for men; (3)the validity of one-stage step test was more generalizable for youth than other ages; and(4)the validity of one-stage step test was more generalizable for 3 min testing time frame than 5-min.In condusion, step test as a measure of the maximal oxygen intake is more appropriate for female and youth, further more, the 3 min testing time frame is more valid than the 5 min.


