  • 期刊


A Research on the State of Anxiety Prior to Tournament for the Junior High School Volleyball Athletes


本研究係以參加中華民國八十三年第三十届莒光杯中學師生排球錦標賽國中組男女21隊計227名排球運動員爲研究對象,以黃英哲修訂之CSAI-2量表爲研究工具,於賽前一小時實施問卷調查,以探討不同性別、職司、年齡、球齡及參與層次競賽,在賽前狀態焦慮三個向度(身體性焦慮、認知性焦慮和自信心)上的影響,經統計比較和分析,得到下列之結論: ㈠在賽前身體性焦慮和認知性焦慮二個向度上:不同性別、職司、年齡、球齡及參與層次競賽,均未達顯著差異。在賽前自信心向度上:不同球齡、參與層次競賽及14足歲以下和14~15歲此二年齡層,亦未達顯著差異。 ㈡在賽前自信心向度上:男生顯著高於女生;舉球員顯著高於攻擊手;年齡層在15足歲以上顯著高於14足歲以下和14~15歲。


The subject of this research was based on the participants of the Junior High School division of the 30th Chi-Kuan Volleyball touranment for the year 1994.The sample consists of 21 teams with a total of 227 boy and girl athletes. The research is on the 3forms of anxiety namely physical, cognitive and confidence as indicated by each athlete prior to tournament according to gender, position of play, age, playing age and level of competitions. The state of anxiety is quantified by the responses of athletes to a set of questionaire an hour before the start of the tournament. The results are statistially analysed and compared for the 3 forms of anxiety and the following conclusions are reached. 1. Different genders, position of play, age, playing age and level of competition show no significant difference on the two forms of anxiety, namely, physical and cognitive anxiety prior to tournament. Different playing age groups, level of competition, players under 14 years old and those in the age group of 14 to 15 years old show no significant difference on confidence. 2. For the level of confidence prior to tournament, the boys are higher than the girls; setters are higher than spikers and the over 15years old are higher than those groups of under 14 years old and between 14 to 15 years old.


