  • 期刊


Study on the Insurance Policy for the Accident Occurred in Sports Activities


本篇將國內大型運動賽會及體育團體投保情況、發生傷亡情形、現行之投保規定等作簡單概述,使體育界能瞭解現況。同時將規劃出之新保險規定說明其與全民健康保險、學生團體保險之差異,以及說明國內第一張專爲體育活動設計之保險辦法之設計特色。 本篇研究對於「運動意外傷害保險」之問題的探討,只爲起步,爾後有關運動意外傷害保險之職業分類重新規劃、運意外傷亡之撫卹規劃、運動意外傷害之急救訓練等等,有賴大家再規劃,建議體育界或政府機關,應續工作爲: ㈠對於國家代表隊的國內培訓及參賽者之健康保護措施,政府機關或運動協會應有整體規劃「運動人才保固」之長期計畫。 ㈡對於國家代表隊發生因公死亡或殘廢之人員,其善後之照顧,應有妥善之撫卹辦法。 ㈢選手培訓或參賽之健康保護措施,應自基層培訓階段開始實施,以保障最基本儲備運動人才之身體健康及延長其運動生命。㈣全面推行運動意外傷害防制與危險管理教育,培育運動傷害防護人才,推「行人人會急救,處處有急救」運動,使偶發之運動意外傷亡减低發生率。 ㈤强制規定舉辦運動競賽或體育活動時,會場應安排緊急緊療處理措施,爭取急救之黃金時間,保障身體健康與生命。 ㈥建議保險機構對有關體育活動或項目,均應給予全面獲得保險投保。


Due to the increase of accidental injury occurred in the practice of sports or in sports competitions, and due to the fact that the insurance company was not able to include cases of accidental sport injuries in insurance policy, a great loss have been made in the athletes both physically and financially. With a view to further improving the welfare of athletes and helping them to sollcit better medical treatment, the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Education, collaborating with the Central Trust of China, regulates an insurance policy which is the first policy that was drafted for sports activities. It is hoped that athletes will obtain better treatment and protection after confronting accidental injuries while practising sports. It is also hoped that the level of sport can be futher promoted while the athletes receive relatively more protection.


Insurance Sport injuries Sport Activities
