  • 期刊


A Study on the Operation of Public Gymnasiums in Taiwan


本研究以自編的「台灣公立體育場之體育館之經營調查表」為研究工具,於民國八十七年八月一日~八月二十日調查台灣地區十九縣市體育場之體育館,以瞭解各體育館經營現狀及館長經營體育館意識,結果發現: 一、台灣公立體育場之體育作長和員工全由體育場長及員工兼任,並無專有人事編制。體育館內均設綜合球場,至於其他運動場地則各縣市有異。體育館內運動設施只有2/3開放供民眾使用,一年的使用民眾人數不多。多數體育館免費供民眾使用,而經營運動社團事業(C, S)和運動計畫事業(P, S)尚在起步,可是舉辦運動比賽和活動很熱心且成效彰著。全部體育館採直接經營型態,並且無單獨經費預算,一年營業收入不多,悉以政府預算為主。 二、多數體育館長認為體育館功能的重要性依序為比賽、休閒、訓練、教育、運動、欣賞等,而經營體育館時,人際關係和業務關心很重要。而且多數作長認為擬訂體育館經營策略時,應充分考慮職員意見、提供積極誘因、激勵職員發揮最高能力、職務公平性報酬的支給。對處理體育作經營重點時,認為應提供多樣化運動設施給運動者為目標,對現有人事編制認為太少,體育管應採直接經營。對今年經費預算額度認為適合,並且認為舉辦運動比賽是今年度體育館經營重點。


運動管理 體育場 體育館


This research study investigated from August 1 to August 20 in 1998 the operating views of 19 directors of public gymnasiums which belong to public stadium in Taiwan. Each test subject completed a questionnaire, developed by the researcher, which focused on surveying each director's view in order to get a clear understanding of how public gymnasiums are utilized, and managed in Taiwan. This research found: 1. All directors and staffs of public gymnasiums and public stadium are the same persons and they are additional positions. Thus, public gymnasiums have no authorized personnel. Facilities at all gymnasiums vary, while all have consolidated courts. Although most of the gymnasiums are free of charge, two-thirds of the gymnasiums open sport facilities to the public. Individuals seldom use gymnasiums and their facilities; these facilities are being used for sporting competitions and meetings effectively. All public gymnasiums are operated directly and have no single budget; each operates on a limited revenue per year, and most of their operating expenses depend on government budget. 2. The majority of these directors think that the important functions of a gymnasium are holding sporting competitions, providing leisure place, training, educating, exercising sports, enjoying, and so on. Also, they believe that maintaining good interpersonal relationships with these individuals and concerning gymnasium business are of great importance in the operation of a gymnasium. Moreover, when gymnasiums directors develop an operating strategy, they should take into consideration staff opinions, provide positive incentives to stimulate and develop the greatest abilities of their staffs by providing a fair pay structure. The goal of providing a variety of sport facilities to players should be a goal of public gymnasiums. Directors should take an active role in setting, and achieving operating goals; they think there should be some kinds f accountability for the management of their facilities. Additionally, they also think that the current staffs are not enough, and directly operating gymnasiums is proposed. Finally, public gymnasiums directors think the current year's budget is appropriate and holding sport competitions is their main job to operate gymnasiums.


Sports Management Gymnasium Stadium


