  • 期刊


Coaching Behavior Research Review


本研究的主要目的在於歸納分析自1979-2000年間,以系統觀察工具進行教練訓練行為研究的有關文獻,期由國內外二十多年來發表的教練訓練行為文獻結果中歸納出一個具體的方向以供後人研究或訓練參考,經文獻歸納與討論之後所得結論如下:(一)研究對象:就教練性別、經驗、勝負而言,教練之訓練行為皆不盡相同,而究竟指導的質量與選手表現的關係如何,皆有必要進一步探討。(二)研究項目:大部份為團隊項目;個人項目很少,但究竟不同性質的項目間有何差異亦待探討。(三)研究工具:用於文獻中的觀察工具有7種,最常見者為CBAS;次為ASUOI,將來應實地修訂使之本土化,以供教練、研究者或師資培育運用。(四)研究方法:可適度搭配質的方法研究,應能獲得異於描述性研究的結果。(五)研究變項:將焦點由教練不同的人口變項、背景等,考量教練與選手的心理特質等因素,擴及情境、教練與選手間的互動,深入瞭解教練的訓練行為。(六)從事相關研究時應將Cote等人的訓練模式、Langsdorf等人的團隊觀察要點及Franks等人的訓練步驟等概念納入考量。 文末並提出三項建議:(一)研究取向:應釐清教學與訓練的異同,重視訓練的特殊性,來建立專屬於訓練的理論基礎,以對訓練有更深入的了解。並能經由多元的研究方法及學科的整合,增加教練訓練行為的研究面向。(二)投身相關研究:國內與教練訓練行為有關的研究議題尚在起步階段,仍待有志者開發投入。(三)教練師資堷育:應思考如何將完整的課程設計落實於教練的養成,而行為觀察之方法宜列入課程中,以提供教練自評或修正訓練之用。


教練 訓練行為 系統觀察法


This paper reviewed published research on coaching behavior in sport and physical education. The purpose was to analyze coaching behavior related research from 1979 to 2000. The findings provided direction for future research and coaching training. Six conclusions were derived from the inductive analysis: (l) There were differences in coaching behaviors regarding to gender, experience, success rate, however, further investigation is needed in the relationship between athlete’s performance and coaching quality and quantity. (2) Most studies focused on team sport and individual sport and other sport areas had been ignored. (3) Although CBAS and ASUOI were two most used observation instruments, these instruments required modification for more appropriate use. (4) Qualitative methodology should be added to the coaching study to better understand the coaching phenomenon. (5) Coaching behavior study should be more dimensional and extended to the issues on the interaction between the coach and athletes. (6) Related coaching behavior study could be considered using different coaching model, coaching stages and theory. Three suggestions for future research direction are proposed: (l) interdisciplinary and multiple approach should be used. (2) Encourage more researchers to be devoted in doing related research. (3) Behavior observation technique should be included in coaching training program.


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