  • 期刊


The Relationship Between Coaches. Leadership Behavior and Team Cohesion


本研究之目的有:(1)比較不同性別選手之教練領導行為及團隊凝聚力的差異情形;(2)比較不同運動項目選手之教練領導行為及團隊凝聚力的差異情形;(3)探討教練領導行為對團隊凝聚力的預測情形;(4)探討知覺與喜愛教練領導行為之差異與團隊凝聚力的相關情形。 統計方法為獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、逐步迴歸分析及皮爾遜積差相關。受試對象包含男、女選手,共計530人(棒球=203人、籃球=118人、排球=112人及足球=97人)。受試者在非比賽期間填寫基本資料表、教練領導行為量表及團隊情境量表。 研究結果顯示:(1)不同性別選手知覺教練領導行為(訓練與指導、專制行為及社會支持)、喜愛教練領導行為(專制行為)及團隊凝聚力(工作凝聚力)均有顯著差異存在。(2)不同運動項目選手知覺教練領導行為及團隊凝聚力有顯著差異存在。(3)教練領導行為(知覺訓練與指導,知覺專制行為、喜愛社會支持)可有效預測團隊凝聚力。(4)訓練與指導之差異、民主行為之差異及社會支持之差異與工作凝聚力呈負相關。


The purpose of this study was four-fold: (l) to compare the coaches’ leadership behavior and team cohesion of different gender. (2) to compare the coaches’ leadership behavior and team cohesion of different group sports items. (3) to determine the utility of coaches’ leadership behavior in predicting team cohesion. (4) to examine the relationships of discrepancy between preferred and perceived coaches’ leadership behavior to team cohesion. The independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, stepwise multiple-regression, and Pearson correlation analysis were used as statistical methods. Subjects were 530 players (baseball=203, basketball=118, volleyball=l12, soccor =203). Subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire which includes subjects’ demographic data, Leadership Scale for Sport, and Group Environment Questionnaire. The results indicated that: (1) The existed significant differences in perceived coaches’ leadership behavior, preferred coaches’ leadership behavior and team cohesion by players with different gender. (2) The existed significant differences in perceived coaches’ leadership behavior, preferred coaches’ leadership behavior and team cohesion by players with different group sports items. (3) The perceived training and instruction, perceived autocratic behavior and preferred social support were three effective predictors of team cohesion. (4) The relationships of discrepancy between preferred and perceived coaches’ leadership behavior were negatively associated with team cohesion.


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