  • 期刊


A Study of the Collegiate Badminton Coaching Behavior


本研究的目的為描述大專院校羽球教練的訓練行為,進而探討教練、選手對教練訓練行為的知覺是否一致,以及二者對於訓練行為的看法。參與研究對象為四位教練及訓練的選手,資料蒐集包含了觀察工具、問卷、訪談三種,採用以量為主;質為輔的研究方式來瞭解教練的訓練行為,經由結果的分析與討論後得到下列結論:  (一)參與本研究的出球教練之訓練行為,整體來說:1.指導是教練們最常顯現的行為,常見的訓練行為依序為事後指導、管理、當場指導、責備等項。指導類行為佔1/2弱,其中以事後指導居首位;非指導類行為佔了1/2強(52.25%),其中又以管理行為排名首位。2.四位教練間的行為互有差異,此差異與選手等級及教練訓練的方法、重點有關。3.不同期間的訓練行為不同,訓練後期觀察到的行為次數顯著減少,且行為內容也與其它訓練期不大相同,此與訓練重點有極大關係。  (二)教練、選手知覺及觀察到教練訓練行為間的一致性:1.一致性最高者為指導行為。2.選手有高估教練示範行為的現象,此正說明了示範於選手心目中的地位。3.觀察的行為與教練知覺、選手知覺三者間不一致的現象,表示本研究的教練只能部分正確的評估其行為,也顯示了教練自評的重要性。 (三)教練及選手對教練訓練行為的看法,經歸納分析訪談結果後,使我們對教練訓練行為有更深入的瞭解。最後再依研究結果與結論提出建議,以作為日後教練、後續研究或教練培育之參考。


The purpose of this study was to describe coaching behaviors of collegiate badminton coaches, and to examine the consistency of coach-athletes perceived coaching behaviors. The participants of this study were four collegiate badminton coaches and their athletes. Systematic observation instrument ASUOI, interview and questionnaire were utilized to collect data during collegiate badminton season. Results revealed that instruction were the most frequently observed behavior and different coaching behavior existed among those coaches. Instruction was the most consistent behavior that perceived by coaches and athletes while the other behaviors were not. This implied coaches and athletes could only perceived partially correct coaching behaviors. Interview data indicated that coaching behavior were more dimensional perspective than was thought before. In addition, the findings offered three suggestions for practical application and coach education. There are some ambiguous variables needed further exploration for better understanding the coaching behavior.


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