  • 期刊


The Study of Information Processing in Athletes and Non-Athletes


訊息處理代表個體經由感官接收外在刺激到反應動作完成之間訊息傳遞的歷程,在有關訊息處理的研究中,事件關連電位(event- related potential, ERP)是一時間面分析的有效工具,經由期成分的分析可以獲得腦部進行認知作業時的量化資料,供研究者做進一步探討。從運動表現的觀點來看,訊息處理的能力對於運動員反應的速度及準確性,有著關鍵性的影響,而其作用在訊息傳導路徑的那些階段?運動員與非運動員之間的差異,均是本研究所關心的課題。研究結果顯示:一、區辦反應作業:實驗組與控制組之全反應時間及反應正確率無顯著差異性;ERP成分N100、N200及P300之潛伏時間(latency)及最大振幅(peak amplitude)均未達顯著差異水準。二、Stroop反應作業:實驗組與控制組在相容與不相容刺激之全反應時間及反應正確率無顯著差異;ERP成分N100、N200及P300之潛伏時間及最大振幅均未達顯著差異水準。由於本研究反應時間之刺激型態對二組受試者均是新奇且陌生的經驗,運動員不具「運動特殊性」之優勢,因此在二種反應時間測試的表現上,二組的表現未達顯著性差異。


Information processing indicates the mechanism of signal transmission from perceptual reception of the stimuli to completion of the response. In the time domain analytic studies of information processing, event-related potential (ERP) is an effective tool to quantify the data for researchers. From a sport performance point of view, the capacity of information processing critically affects the accuracy and speed of the response. What stages would be affected in information processing and what differences exist between athletes and non-athletes were the main concern of this study. The results revealed that there is no difference between athletes and non-athletes on RT and response accuracy of discrimination RT and Stroop RT tasks. In addition, both the amplitude and latency of ERP components N100, N200 and P300 showed no difference between the two groups. The nature of the task may explain the absence of a difference in cognitive processing between athletes and non-athletes. Future laboratory studies on the cognitive processes of athletes should focus on using tasks that are capable of challenge cognitive processes that are specific to sport experience.


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