  • 期刊


A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Sports Center Facilities Quality in National Taiwan University Sports Center


由於消費者意識抬頭與市場競爭激烈,顧客滿意對於經營者而言是相當重要的,因此如何能準確的衡量顧客滿意度以做為經營者品質提昇的依據是一個非常重要的課題。本研究的目的是要整合「落差理論」及「二維品質」觀點,以量化方式測量台灣大學綜合體育館重量訓練室提供之服務品質與消費者重視與期望間的落差,以探討消費者滿意或不滿意的發生原因。研究者希望透過此研究結果,做為提昇台大體育館服務品質之參考。 研究施測對象為國立台灣大學綜合體育館重量訓練室使用者,包含學生、教職員、眷屬、校友及校外人士等,共計238人,並以「服務品質滿意度量表」、「二維品質量表」、「整體滿意度四項指標」為研究工具,進行問卷調查,研究資料經因素分析、皮爾森相關分析及多元迴歸分析後,研究結果發現:假設一(在消費者「滿意」方面:場館提供的服務中,關於「魅力品質」的屬性,其實際表現與消費者的重視程度落差愈小時,消費者愈覺滿意),獲支持部份為「尊重與信賴」落差(A3),不支持的部份為「整齊性」落差(A6)。假設二(在消費者「不滿意」方面:場館提供的服務中,關於「當然品質」的屬性、其實際表現與消費者重視程度落差愈大時,消費者愈覺得不滿意)。獲支持的部份為「環境與需求」落差(A2),不支持的部份為「通訊捷便性」落差(A4)。 在建議方面,本研究對象大多以學生為主,後續研究者應多增加校外及教職員工資料,此外,根據文獻指出「當然品質」與「魅力品質」會隨著產業的成熟度而有新變化,亦值得後續研究者詳細深入探討。


As consumers' awareness and market competitiveness increase, there is a growing managerial interest in customer satisfaction as the mean of evaluating quality. Therefore, how we could measure customer satisfaction accurately is a key strategic imperative for management. The purpose of this study was to combine ”Gap Theory of Service Quality” with ”Kano's Two-Dimensional Quality Model”, and to adopt a quantitative measure on the correlation between the service quality provided by the weight training room in NTU Sports Center and customer expectations. The results of the research were proposed as a reference for promoting the service quality standards of NTU Sports Center. The study was based on clients of the weight training room in NTU Sports Center, including students, staff, alumni members and public visitors, a total of 238 candidates, whom we conducted our survey using the ”Service Quality Satisfaction Measurement Survey” and the ”Kano's Two-Dimension Quality Model”. By ”Factor Analysis” and ”Pearson Correlation Analysis”, the results are as follows: (1)Assuming that the service provided by the Center corresponds to the ”Excitement Quality” type, the smaller its performance deviates from the customers' expectations, the higher the level of customer satisfaction. The section that returned the smallest deviation was ”respect and trust”, while ”tidiness” returned the highest level of customer dissatisfaction. (2) Assuming that the service corresponds to the ”Basic Quality” type, the larger the deviation between its performance and the customers' expectations, the lower the level of customer satisfaction. The ”environment and demand” were highly correlated with the customers' expectations, while the ”lack of convenient communication facilities” was the laggard. In conclusion of this study that primarily emphasized on students, it is suggested that future study should put more attention on public and staff customers. In addition, literature reviews suggest that ”Basic Quality” and ”Excitement Quality” will re-evaluate as the industry matures and its corresponding changes are worthy for further study.


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