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Comparison of Insulin Sensitivity Between Overweight and Normal Weight College Judo Athletes


過去的研究顯示在中老年族群中「抗胰島素現象」的發生與肥胖有關,但對於年輕且有規律運動訓練族群在兩者間的關連之研究較缺乏。本研究因此針對二十七位年輕柔道運動員進行胰島素敏感度與身體組成的測量。由於所有柔道運動員全年保持相同負荷與型態的專長訓練,運動訓練差異對於胰島素敏感度的影響效應因此可被大幅排除。這些柔道運動員依其身體質量指數(Body mass index, BMI)之高低依序劃分為三分等級(tertile)。我們將體型偏重的高BMI組(BMI最高三分之一)與體型偏輕的低BMI組(BMI最低三分之一),同時進行葡萄糖耐受度與胰島素敏感度試驗,並測量其身體組成。低BMI組之身體脂肪含量百分比如預期明顯低於高BMI組;肌肉質量則無顯著差異。本研究採用葡萄糖耐受度(oral glucose tolerance test, OGTT)與胰島素濃度分析來比較兩組胰島素敏感度,發現OGTT過程中,高BMI組的柔道選手其萄葡糖濃度較高,且OGTT過程中其胰島素濃度亦明顯高於體型偏輕的低BMI組柔道選手,此結果顯示高BMI的柔道選手胰島素敏感度明顯較低BMI組差。


胰島素敏感度 BMI 柔道選手


Previous study has found that insulin resistance is related to the degree of obesity in older population, but little is known in this regard in the young and physically active individuals. The current study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between insulin sensitivity and body composition in 27 young judo athletes. Since all subjects followed the same training protocol all year around, the effect of physical activity on insulin sensitivity could be precluded. These subjects were evenly divided into three levels according to BMI, and the first tertile and the last tertile were grouped for comparison. All subjects underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) after an overnight fast to determine their glucose disposal and insulin response. Percent fat mass was significantly greater in the subjects within first BMI tertile than in the third BMI tertile subjects. Muscle mass between two groups was not different. It is found that both glucose tolerance and insulin response during OGTT was significantly greater in the highest BMI tertile subjects than the lowest BMI tertile subject. This result indicated that insulin sensitivity was relatively lower in the heavier Judo athletes than that in the lighter group.


insulin sensitivity Judo athletes BMI


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