  • 期刊


The Effects of Regular Exercise Training on Ankle Proprioception


許多研究驗證運動訓練對人體生理、心理與動作表現有益,然而有關本體感覺研究大多著重於傷害或手術前後的影響,有限的研究顯示體操與芭蕾舞者較常人有更佳的本體感覺,而本研究的目的在探討規律綱球與羽球運動訓練是否也會對踝關節本體感覺造成影響。本研究受試者爲17位甲組綱球與羽球運動員與17位一般科系大學生,依Kaminksi,Perrin,amd Gansneder (1999)的標凖來確認爲正常健康踝關節,以BIODEX Ⅲ測力器進行雙腳三次內翻15度、中立0度與外翻10度的主動與被動關節複位知覺測試,主動與被動測試角速度分別設定爲500度/秒與2度/秒,並以平均複位誤差角度作爲本體感覺的指標。結果顯示一般常人雙腳主動與被動本體感覺無顯著差異,而網毬與羽球運動員雙腳主動本體感覺顯著優於被動本體感覺,此外網毬與羽球運員與一般常人相比也有顯著較佳的主動與被動本體感覺。本研究結論爲規律運動訓練有助於踝關節本體感覺功能,其原因應該是規律的網毬與羽球運動訓練可提昇肌群、韌帶與關節囊壓力受器敏感度,與較佳的神經肌肉控制功能。


Studies verified that exercise training is good for physiologiãal, psychological, and specific movement performance. Most proprioception studies concerned about the influences after injury or operation, limited studies identified that gymnast and ballet dancer have better/accuracy reposition sense than ordinary population. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of regular tennis and badminton exercise training on ankle proprioception. Seventeen elite tennis and badminton athletes and 17 sedentary college students recruited as subjects. All subjects free from ankle instability symptom follow the criteria suggested by Kaminski, Perrin, & Gansneder (1999). The Bioedx Ⅲ isokinetic dynamometer was used to assess ankle proprioception function: active and passive reposition test. Three test positions (15° inversion, 0°of neutral, and 10°of eversion) were performed three times on each leg. The active and passive ankle joint reposition test was performed at 500°/s and 2°/s. Joint position sense measurements were recorded in degrees of error from the test position. Results showed no significant differences were found on active and passive proprioception between each leg in sedentary college students. The active proprioception is significantly better than passive proprioception in tennis and badminton athletes, either left or right leg. Furthermore, the athletes have better active and passive proprioception than sedentary students. Results suggest that regular exercise-training athlete have better proprioception performance than sedentary student, implying that this exercise training can improve the sensitivity of ankle mechanoreceptor and the function of neuromuscular control.


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