  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Shoulder Range of Motion for Unilateral and Bilateral Overhead Sports: Swimming vs Tennis




Purpose: Shoulder pain often occurs in overhead athletes. Overhead sports included unilateral or bilateral arms used, such as tennis or swim. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the difference of shoulder range of motion (ROM) between healthy unilateral and bilateral shoulder used players. Methods: Eighteen overhead athletes participated in this study (7 bilateral and 11 unilateral shoulder used players). The shoulder flexion, hyperextension, internal/external rotation, and horizontal adduction were measured by using goniometer for both arms. Independent t-test was used to analyze the difference between unilateral and bilateral shoulder used players and paired T-test was used to compare the difference between their dominant and non-dominant shoulder respectively. Results: No significant difference was found in dominant and non-dominant shoulder comparison for bilateral shoulder used players (p>.05). However, we found the ROM of external rotation and horizontal adduction of dominant shoulder had larger degree than non-dominant side, the ROM of internal rotation of dominant shoulder was less than non-dominant shoulder. All ROM had showed significant difference, except shoulder flexion, when we compared the unilateral and bilateral shoulder used events players. Conclusions: We found the shoulder ROM adaptation in unilateral shoulder used players.


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