  • 期刊


Current status and future trend for the development of sport and exercise science in Taiwan


體育運動科學為一跨領域之應用科學,其範疇涉及教育、競技運動、全民健康、預防醫學、產業提升,甚至是經濟發展。本文之目的係針對國內體育運動科學的發展現況、整體學術表現,以及未來研究方向做整理與分析,期望提供體育運動科學發展與未來展望之訊息予相關單位,作為後續推動之參考。本文藉由整理相關資料後,除建議主管學術研究機構應思量成立獨立學門並更名為體育運動科學以符合實際需求與社會期待,並應挹注更多資源於進行跨單位、跨領域之合作研究,將研究成果確實落實運動產業、全民健康與競技表現外,並提出下列未來研究方向;(一) 推動全民運動健康長程計畫;(二)競賽場館經營與管理;(三) 強化體育運動課程編排教學;(四) 提升學術研究能量,期刊論文發表質量並重;(五) 鼓勵科普教育;(六) 推動研發成果落實並促進產業發展。


Sport and exercise science is an interdisciplinary applied science, the scope of which involves education, sport, national health, preventive medicine, industrial upgrading and economic development. This article is a comprehensive study on the current status, overall academic achievement and future plan of the domestic sports and exercise science development, as well as a reference of future prospect for the government. Based on the associated information collected, the research suggests establishing an independent academic discipline named Sports and Exercise Science to meet the practical needs and social expectations, as well as to invest more resources to conduct interdisciplinary research or to collaborate with related departments, and apply the outcomes to the industries, national health and athletic performance. Directions for future research are: (i) to promote the long term plan of exercise for national health; (ii) arena management; (iii) strengthen the physical education curriculum teaching; (iv) to enhance academic research quality, and to publish articles in high quality journals; (v) to encourage science education; (vi) to promote and apply the research outcomes to the industries.


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中華民國大專院校體育總會(2014)。103 年體育教師名錄。臺北市=Taipei:中華民國大專院校體育總會=Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation。
中華民國大專院校體育總會(2013)。102 年體育教師名錄。臺北市=Taipei:中華民國大專院校體育總會=Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation。
中華民國大專院校體育總會(2012)。101年體育教師名錄。臺北市=Taipei:中華民國大專院校體育總會=Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation。
中華民國大專院校體育總會(2011)。100 年體育教師名錄。臺北市=Taipei:中華民國大專院校體育總會=Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation。


