  • 期刊


Effects of the use of wearable fitness watch on elementary school students' physical activity and physical fitness


緒論:國小生身體活動量不足導致肥胖率逐年升高,造成對健康威脅與體適能降低,更影響成年後心血管與慢性疾病等問題出現。本研究首先探討穿戴運動錶對國小學童身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)及體適能表現之影響,進一步運用運動錶階段分期策略來監測偏鄉及都市地區國小學童身體活動量促進之情形。方法:受試者分為偏鄉及都市地區學童各二班為實驗組(n = 88)與都市地區三個班為一般組(n = 83),學童都是自願參與的;受試者分別於實驗介入前、後各進行一次體適能測驗及身體質量指數量測,以獨立及相依樣本t檢定考驗二組在實驗前後是否有顯著的效果。此外,實驗組進行為期12週四階段穿戴式運動錶策略介入,來量測偏鄉及都市地區學童之身體活動強度及時間變化。身體活動量則以混合設計二因子變異數(mixed design of two-way analysis of variance, ANOVA)分析兩區域及四階段之每日平均步數、中等費力到費力身體活動量(moderate to vigorous physical activity, MVPA)累積時間及步頻(step per minute, SPM)等參數。結果:穿戴式運動錶策略能有效提升國小學童部分體適能水準。在立定跳遠項目,實驗組後測成績明顯大於一般組,對仰臥起坐及800公尺跑走表現也有提升效果,進而改善身體質量指數,惟坐姿體前彎無達統計上顯著差異。偏鄉及都市學童之身體活動強度均隨運動錶階段分期而增強,達統計上顯著性差異,對於每日步數與中等費力到費力身體活動累積時間也都有顯著提升。結論:穿戴式運動錶可促進國小學童部分體適能表現、改善身體質量指數不良狀況;透過階段分期策略來準確瞭解及有效提升偏鄉及都市國小學童身體活動時間及強度,值得推廣為促進個人身體活動的工具。


Introduction: Insufficient physical activity of elementary school students have resulted in the increase of the obesity rate year by year, further causing healthy threat, the reduce of physical fitness, and cardiovascular and chronic diseases after adult. In this study, we first explored the effects of wearable fitness watch on the body mass index and physical fitness performance of elementary school students, and further used the wearable fitness watch stage strategy to monitor the physical activity promoted situation of township and metropolitan areas schoolchildren. Methods: The subjects were divided into two groups, the experimental group, including township and metropolitan areas schoolchildren in four classes (n = 88) and the general group, including metropolitan areas schoolchildren in three classes (n = 83). The schoolchildren are all voluntary participants. The subjects conducted physical fitness tests and BMI measurements, before and after the experimental intervention, respectively. The t test was used to examine the significant effects of two groups before and after the experiment. In the experimental group, the 12-week four-stage wearable fitness watch strategy intervention was conducted to observe physical activity intensity and time changes. In physical activity, the mixed-design of two-way analysis of variance ANOVA is adopted to analyze the parameters such as the average daily number of steps, moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) accumulation time and movement step frequency...etc. at two regions in four stages. Results: In the standing long jump project, the physical activity increase on post-test results in the experimental group was obviously greater than that in the general group (t = 5.32, p < .05); also, the 12-week wearable fitness watch strategy enhanced the results of sit-ups and 800-meter running performance. Thus, it could improve body mass index. Nevertheless, there was no statistically significant difference in the item of sit and reach (p > .05). In the experimental group, the 12-week wearable fitness watch strategy could not only effectively promote the physical activity intensity of elementary school students to increase with the stage strategy, achieving significant differences (F = 13.862, p < .05), but also significantly improved daily walking steps and MVPA accumulation time. Conclusions: Wearable fitness watch can help to promote physical fitness performance and improving undesirable BMI conditions. Through the wearable fitness watch strategy intervention accurately understand and effectively enhance the intensity of physical activity of township and metropolitan areas schoolchildren. Consequently, wearable fitness watch is worth to be promoted as the tool of enhancing personal physical activity.


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