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The effect of badminton racquet materials on the coefficient of restitution and vibration amplitude


緒論:持握不同羽球拍拍體材質擊球時,會因材質勁度的不同導致球體恢復係數與拍體振動幅度有所差異,若瞭解拍體材質特性對擊球表現的影響,便能以自身需求選購適當的拍體,來提升運動表現。方法:以夾具分別將三種不同材質羽球拍固定,並於前方1.5公尺處架設羽球發球機(135km/h)以數顆相同球體進行撞擊,拍體矢狀面2.5公尺處架設一台高速攝影機(300 Hz),將一顆三軸加速規黏貼至握把,以LabVIEW 2008軟體收取運動學與振動幅度參數。以單盲實驗設計分別讓10位受試者持握三種不同球拍進行高手平球,而後填寫拍體特性知覺量表。將收取之運動學、振動幅度與拍體特性知覺參數,利用IBM SPSS 23.0版統計軟體,以描述性統計呈現拍體特性知覺參數之趨勢,以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),考驗三種不同羽球拍材質恢復係數與振動幅度差異,再以LSD(Fisher's least significant difference procedure, LSD)法進行事後比較,統計水準訂為α=.05。結果:多層石墨烯材質,恢復係數高於複方聚合物纖維與碳纖維材質,且振動幅度低於複方聚合物纖維與碳纖維材質。此外受試者對於多層石墨烯材質,於擊球瞬間相較於其餘兩種材質的反彈速度、控制性與勁度的主觀知覺參數有較高的趨勢,而振動幅度有較低的趨勢。結論:在針對多層石墨烯、複方聚合物纖維與碳纖維的拍體材質進行選購時,若追求擊球的反彈速度快、振動幅度低且控制性較佳的拍體材質,可考慮以勁度最高的多層石墨烯材質為優先選擇,若以休閒運動為主,則可考慮購買複方聚合物纖維或碳纖維材質,來從事羽球運動。


Introduction: The coefficient of restitution of balls and the vibration amplitude of racquets are largely depend on the stiffness of badminton racquet materials. Understanding of how racquet materials influence the hitting performance will be helpful in racquets selection and leads to exercise performance improvement. Methods: Three racquets which made by different materials were locked on a holder in front of a serving machine 1.5 meters (135 km/h) in randomized order. Each racquet was hit by badminton balls for multiple times. A high speed camera (300Hz) was set at the 2.5 meters away from the sagittal plane of the racquet. A tri-axes accelerometer was attached on the shaft of the racquet. The kinematic and vibration amplitude data were collected by the monitor and control software (LabVIEW 2008). 10 subjects were recruited and required to using these three racquets to perform a forehand clear test. After the test, subjects need to rating on a self-perceived racquet characteristic scale. Data analyses were conducted by IBM SPSS 23.0 statistical software. Descriptive statistic were used to indicate the tendency of the self-perceived racquet characteristic scores. Independent one-way ANOVA were used to compare the coefficient of restitution and vibration amplitude differences between three racquets. Post hoc were using LSD method. Significance level was set at α = .05. Results: The coefficient of restitution of Graphene was significantly higher than synthetic fiber and carbon fiber, as well as lower vibration amplitude. For the scores of self-perceived scale, the score of reflection speeds, control ability and stiffness in Graphene material were higher than synthetic and carbon fiber. Subjects also perceived lower vibration amplitude in Graphene. Conclusion: Regardless of the players' skills, Graphene material which has higher stiffness would be an ideal racquets option for higher reflection speeds, control ability and lower vibration amplitude.


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