  • 期刊


Validation and nomological network of the Chinese version of the need to belong scale



緒論:歸屬需求是人的基本心理需求之一,而身體活動提供了經由人際互動以滿足歸屬需求的情境,因此欲了解個體參與身體活動的行為,歸屬需求是值得探討的重要心理因子。本研究旨將Leary及其同儕(Leary et al., 2013; Schreindorfer & Leary, 1996)所發展的歸屬需求量表(Need to Belong Scale)中文化並進行信、效度和法則網絡的檢驗,以利後續在台灣及華人社會中進行相關的研究探討。方法:研究一以探索性因素分析、項目分析和再測檢驗,檢視中文版歸屬需求量表的因素結構、題項鑑別度、內部一致性及再測信度。研究參與者為177位一般民眾(76男,Mage = 25.2歲,SD = 8.94歲)。研究二進一步以驗證性因素分析、恆等性檢驗與法則網絡檢驗中文版歸屬需求量表的模式適配度、恆等性、建構效度及效標關聯效度,研究參與者為314名一般民眾(130男,Mage = 38.77歲,SD = 10.06歲)。結果:研究一的統計分析結果支持了中文版歸屬需求量表的單一結構、良好的題項鑑別度與再測信度。研究二的驗證性因素分析與法則網絡的結果進一步驗證了中文版歸屬需求量表具良好的建構效度、鑑別度及效標關聯效度。在法則網絡的檢驗上,歸屬需求對神經質與外向性的人格特質具有不同相關,正向預測個體的自尊但又與寂寞感受不一致,行為表現上則顯示出歸屬需求越高者獨自活動的比例較低,且獨自從事活動時容易有負面感受。結論:經本研究中文化過程之歸屬需求量表具良好的基本信、效度,應適合於華人社會進行後續相關研究。


Introduction: The need to belong is a basic psychological need of humans, and physical activities provide contexts in which the need to belong can be satisfied through interpersonal interactions. Therefore, the need to belong is an important psychological factor for systematic study in order to gain a better understanding of participation in physical activities. The purpose of this study was to develop a Chinese version of the Need to Belong scale (Leary et al., 2013; Schreindorfer & Leary, 1996), via reliability, validity, and nomological network investigation, for future research on the need to belong in Taiwanese and Chinese societies. Method: In study 1, the original Need to Belong scale items were translated and back-translated. Exploratory factor analysis, item analysis, and test-retest were performed with data from 177 participants (mean age = 25.20 [SD = 8.94] years, 76 males). In study 2, 314 participants (mean age = 38.77 [SD = 10.06] years, 130 males) filled in the Chinese version of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis, the invariance test, and the nomological network approach were used to examine the model fit, gender invariance, and construct-and criterion-related validities of the scale. Results: The results of study 1 provided preliminary evidence of a single factor structure of the scale, item discrimination, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. In study 2, confirmatory factor analysis and nomological network examination confirmed construct- and criterion-related validity and provided further evidence of the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Need to Belong scale. The nomological network showed that the need to belong was associated differently with different personalities and was positively correlated with self-esteem and loneliness to different extents. People who had a high need to belong engaged in solitary activities at a lower frequency and tended to have negative emotions when being alone. Conclusions: The Chinese version of the Need to Belong scale showed high reliability and validity. It appears to be a suitable tool for research on the need to belong in Taiwanese and Chinese societies.


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