  • 期刊


A comparison of singles and doubles match load in badminton



緒論:羽球比賽過程中,運動員需要做跳躍、弓步、快速改變方向和快速揮拍擊球高強度的動作,單打與雙打所採用的戰術打法截然不同,了解單雙打比賽負荷的差異,有助於規劃適當的訓練計畫即恢復策略。本研究的目的為以運動感測器量化羽球選手的運動負荷,並比較單雙打選手比賽負荷的差異。方法:本研究以15名大專男子羽球代表隊選手為實驗參與者。每位選手配戴Capture. U慣性感測器(持拍手腕及下背)、Polar H10心率傳感器(胸部)及Goalgo T1局部定位系統感測器(肩膀),分別進行一局21分落地得分制的羽球單打和雙打模擬賽,收集選手在比賽過程中的運動負荷,以相依樣本t檢定比較單雙打比賽負荷的差異。結果:單打選手的Banister's TRIMP、平均心率、最大心率、移動距離及平均速度皆顯著高於雙打,而sRPE與選手負荷(player load)則無顯著差異。單打的擊球次數、頻率與加速度峰值總和皆顯著高於雙打個人;若以雙打組合與單打進行比較,雙打組合的擊球次數、頻率及加速度峰值總和皆高於單打。結論:單打選手的比賽負荷反應在心率、平均速度及移動距離上,顯示單打比賽對於體能的負荷較高;而雙打比賽則有較高的擊球次數、擊球頻率及峰值總和,顯示雙打比賽對於擊球的負荷較高。由此可見,單打比賽對於體能的要求較高;雙打比賽則需要著重在擊球技巧和兩人擊球的配合與戰術運用。


Introduction: During a badminton game, athletes need to perform high-intensity tasks such as jumping, lunging, changing direction quickly, and hitting the ball. The tactics are highly different between singles and doubles games. Understanding the difference in match load between singles and doubles games could help in the design of proper training plans and recovery strategies. The aims of this study were to quantify the work load of badminton players and to compare the differences in match load between singles and doubles players. Methods: Fifteen junior college men's badminton team players were recruited as experiment participants. Each player wore two Capture.U inertial sensors (wrist and lower back), a Polar H10 heart rate sensor (chest), and a Global T1 local positioning system sensor (shoulder). Each participant played one singles and one doubles simulated match and then recorded their work load during the match. The difference in singles and doubles match loads was analyzed using the dependent sample t-test. Results: Banister's TRIMP, average heart rate, maximal heart rate, distance covered, and average speed of singles players were higher than those of doubles players. However, sRPE and player load were not significantly different. Singles players also played a higher number of shots and had a greater stroke frequency and sum of acceleration peaks. The number of shots, stroke frequency, and sum of acceleration peaks were higher in doubles combinations than in singles. Conclusion: The higher heart rate and average speed of singles players and the greater distance they covered indicate that singles matches had a higher physical load. In doubles matches, the number of shots was higher and stroke frequency and sum of acceleration peaks were greater, suggesting that they had a higher hitting load. In conclusion, singles matches impose higher physical demands, whereas doubles matches require focus on technical and tactical skills.


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