  • 期刊


Studies in Ischemic Preconditioning and Exercise


缺血預適應(ischemic preconditioning, IPC)能啟動心臟的保護機制,減緩長時間缺血再灌流後的心肌損傷程度,相關研究至今仍不停發展,且目前已將IPC套用到人體來減緩缺血性運動誘發之細胞凋亡或促進運動表現。人體於運動前先短暫阻斷上臂或大腿的血流,再使血液回流並重覆3到4回合,可模擬IPC並增加自行車最大輸出功率及游泳速度,但對最大耗氧量等生理指標的影響並不一致。目前關於IPC促進運動表現的詳細機轉仍不明確,推測IPC能活化細胞內某些訊息傳遞路徑,透過血管舒張、血流再分配與強化粒線體功能等作用來增加運動表現。


Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) can trigger the mechanism of myocardial protection against prolonged ischemia/reperfusion injury. The IPC-related researches had been still ongoing to date. Moreover, IPC has been used to blunt the degree of ischemic exercise-induced apoptosis or improve exercise performance in human. Brief episodes of occlusion followed by reperfusion of human upper limbs or thighs for 3 to 4 cycles prior to exercise can mimic the efficacy of IPC, which increases cycling maximal power output and swimming velocity. However, the results of IPC in some physiological parameters such as maximal oxygen consumption are inconsistent. The precise mechanism of IPC improving exercise performance is still unclear now. It was speculated that IPC can activate some cellular signaling pathways to enhance sport performance via vasodilation, blood flow redistribution, and /or improvement in mitochondria function.


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