  • 期刊


Professional Competency of Weiqi Referee




智力運動 競賽 執法判決


As a ”mind sport,” Weiqi has been one of the favorite activities of people in Asia for a long time. However, its characteristic as a competition sport has been disputed over the years, and the professional competency of related staff has also been ignored, until Weiqi was adopted by 2010 Asian Games as one of its games. This not only changed the definition of a sport, but also promoted a diverse concept of sports. Ever since the sport nature of Weiqi was accepted, domestic and overseas professional contests have started to flourish. And the levels of amateur contests have also upgraded with events held quite frequently. As a result, the need for Weiqi referees has increased. Referees are responsible for enforcing rules and maintaining the fairness of the game. To accomplish to goal, their professional competency is critical. Although Weiqi referees need not to make judgments in split seconds as in racing or basketball, they still play a crucial role in Weiqi contests. Due to the lack of research on the required competency for a Weiqi referee, we try to study the literature on sports referees and come up with a set of core competencies required for a Weiqi referee.


Weiqi referee professional competency


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