  • 期刊


The turning point of mindfulness training: The application of neuroimaging research


近年來,正念相關的心理介入訓練成為在競技運動中提升運動員心理技能的新選擇。相較於過去傳統的心理技能訓練(psychological skills training, PST),正念訓練(mindfulness training, MT)強調接受,並觀察當下此時此刻的狀態,而不對其進行評價。在競技運動情境中,正念訓練相關研究過去多以自陳式量表作為測量工具,缺乏客觀性。因此,神經科學研究漸漸受到運動心理學家的重視。故本文以神經影像學角度,從正念訓練的三個重要特徵:自我覺察、注意力控制以及情緒調節,論述與大腦腦區之關係,並回顧競技運動的相關研究。回顧後發現:自我覺察與大腦的腦島(insula)以及顳部與頂部交界處(temporo-parietal junction, TPJ)活化有關。注意力控制與大腦的前扣帶皮質區(anterior cingulate cortex, ACC)活化有關。情緒調節與大腦的前額葉皮質區(prefrontal cortex, PFC)以及杏仁核(amygdala)活化有關。運動員透過正念訓練提升自我覺察、注意力控制以及情緒調節等能力有助於增進運動表現。最後,針對正念訓練提出相關研究限制與未來研究建議。未來研究可結合神經影像科學方法,加以驗證正念訓練對於運動表現的機轉。


In recent years, mindfulness-based psychological intervention training has been regarded as a new choice in terms of enhancing athlete's psychological skills in sports. Compared to the traditional psychological skills training (PST), mindfulness training (MT) emphasizes acceptance and awareness the current state at this moment without judging it. In the sport context, most of studies assessed the effects of mindfulness training has been criticized as lack of objectivity by using self-reported measurements. Therefore, neuroscience research has gradually received the attention by sport psychology researchers. This article reviewed previous studies which conducted by using neuroimaging and discussed the relationship between the three important characteristics of mindfulness training and brain regions in sports. After reviewing previous neuroimaging research, we found that self-awareness was associated with neural activity in the insula and temporo-parietal junction (TPJ); attention control was associated with neural activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC); emotion regulation was associated with neural activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and amygdala. Previous studies in sport also found that mindfulness training could improve athletes' self-awareness, attention control, and emotion regulation and then enhance their performance. In addition, we proposed the limitations and suggestions of mindfulness training research. Finally, it is suggested that future study using neuroimaging techniques examine the mechanism between mindfulness training and sport performance is warranted.


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