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臺灣大專校園推廣Exercise is Medicine全球健康促進行動之可行性方案

The feasible plan of promoting Exercise is Medicine - Global health promotion on campus in Taiwan


2007年美國運動醫學會(American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM])與美國醫學協會(American Medical Association [AMA])聯合發起Exercise is Medicine(EIM)計畫,宗旨為鼓勵醫師及其他提供健康照護提供者,將運動融入健康諮詢與慢性病治療計畫中,藉由推廣體能活動以預防疾病和改善健康。本研究藉次級資料分析EIM全球健康促進行動推廣之情況,進行相關資料整理與探討,並著重於大專校園層面的推廣。兒童和青少年期時期是人格與習慣養成非常重要的一個階段,培育年輕學子的強健體魄,並使EIM知識在校園扎根,是未來國家競爭力的深厚基礎,故本文探究各國推廣大專校園EIM之策略,希冀提供臺灣大專校園推廣EIM可行之短、中、長期計畫與可行之策略方案,從教育著手,為國家未來棟樑以至整體社會提供健康、有活力的一帖良方。


EIM 健康促進 校園 運動


In 2007, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Medical Association (AMA) co-launched the project, Exercise is Medicine® (EIM). The purpose of EIM is to encourage doctors and health care providers to assess physical activity of patients and prescribe exercise prescription in clinical care. Promoting physical activity would prevent people from getting diseases and improve health. Secondary data collection was conducted in the research to observe and analyze EIM's promotional strategies worldwide, especially on campus promotion. Childhoods and teenagerhoods are periods that aggregate personality and form habits, therefore cultivating school students' strong body and introducing EIM knowledge to students is a must to build foundation for competitiveness. Consequently, this paper analyzed EIM on campus strategies over the world to explore short-term, mid-term and long-term plans for Taiwan. Initiating EIM's promotional plan from educational aspect would be a healthy and dynamic prescription for this country's future foundation and the whole society.


EIM health promotion campus exercise


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