  • 期刊


The association of cardiorespiratory fitness and executive functions in older adults: The role of carotid flow velocity




The age-related decline of the executive functions has an impact on working and daily life, which may cause an enormous burden in both personal and social activities. Recently, cardiorespiratory fitness has been found to have a positive association with executive functions. Furthermore, as a main supporting artery for the cerebral blood flow, the velocity of the carotid flow is also associated with cognitive performance, which shows the potential relationship among the carotid flow velocity (CFV), cardiorespiratory fitness, and executive functions. The aim of this review article is to investigate the role of CFV as it may affect cardiorespiratory fitness and executive functions in older adults. The previous studies investigating this issue were reviewed, and examined the possible mechanisms of the CFV. Content includes the related studies of older adults and executive functions, the related studies of cardiorespiratory fitness and executive functions, and the effect of CFV on cardiorespiratory fitness and executive functions separately. The results of the present review indicated that there is a positive relationship among cardiorespiratory fitness, executive functions and CFV. The improvement of cardiorespiratory fitness is respectively associated with the increase of both executive functions and CFV, suggesting that CFV is maybe a mediator between cardiorespiratory fitness and executive functions. Cardiorespiratory fitness has an effect on executive functions, by increasing the CFV. In summary, this study reviewed the potential effects of carotid flow velocity, as considered from the perspective of a causal relationship at work between cardiorespiratory fitness and executive functions in order adults, hoping that this method will provide some reference for future studies.


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