  • 期刊


Causal model of affecting collutcomes


婦女在停經後缺乏雌激素會造成肥胖、血脂異常及心血管疾病等風險急遽上升,並伴隨自律神經失調的情況。運動訓練是改善心血管健康的策略,而心率變異度(heart rate variability, HRV)是非侵入性評估自律神經的方法,目前已知規律有氧訓練可以改善心率變異度,而高強度間歇訓練(high-intensity interval training, HIIT)在心肺適能的提升以及體脂肪改變顯著優於中強度連續性有氧訓練,對停經後婦女族群的心率變異度變化影響為何,目前較少研究整理討論,故本文經回顧相關運動介入文獻,歸納出以下結論:中強度連續性有氧訓練及高強度間歇訓練皆可透過提高血管壓力反射來增加心率變異度,而高強度間歇訓練後增加兒茶酚胺產生更大的交感神經活動有助減少體脂肪,在短時間內改善心血管功能,對於停經後婦女而言是能夠維持或增加心率變異度的有效運動策略。


自律神經 兒茶酚胺 雌激素


Postmenopausal women often encounter risks such as obesity, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular disease accompanied with autonomic disorders and exercise training has been proposed as a strategy to improve cardiovascular health. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive tool to assess autonomic nervous system. It has been demonstrated that regular aerobic training improves HRV. On the other hand, high-intensity interval training is getting more popularity and has significant advantages in improving cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition. Yet, studies that systemically reviewed the effect of high-intensity interval training on HRV were sparse in the Chinese literature. Therefore, in the present literature review, we specifically focus on the effects of high-intensity interval exercise training and moderate-intensity continuous training on HRV changes and we sum up that both moderate-intensity continuous training and high-intensity interval training can increase HRV via improving baroreceptor reflex sensitivity. Increased catecholamine release as the consequence of greater sympathetic nerve activity following high-intensity interval training might be also favorable for body fat reduction and cardiovascular function in a short time. Collectively, it is an effective exercise strategy to maintain or increase HRV for cardiovascular health in postmenopausal population.


autonomic function estrogen catecholamine


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