  • 期刊


Interventional benefits of ecological models applied to community-based exercise programs for elderly




The population and the proportion of the elderly is growing rapidly. It is extremely necessary to improve the health of the elderly through exercise promotion programs. Although the exercise promotion programs for the elderly have gradually become popular, the issues of professionalism and promotion perspective of the programs need to be clarified. The purpose of this study was to investigate the intervention benefits of an ecological model applied to a community-based exercise promotion programs for the elderly. Through the ecological model, the regular exercise promoting programs for the elderly in the community or organization can be implemented. Aging causes the deterioration of muscle strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, balance and responsiveness. Therefore, the exercise promotion programs for the elderly were aimed at the decline of deterioration. The intervention was carried out with multiple physical fitness elements to improve the functional fitness of the elderly. Overall, according to the characteristics of the elderly in community, the diversified exercise prescription of ecological multi-level model can effectively improve or maintain the physical activities and fitness of the elderly.


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