

本研究係國內首次自主開發侷限空間逃生訓練室(Breathing Air Training Gallery),其目的為讓勞工親身體驗於侷限空間瀰漫濃煙時之情境,透過實際的模擬演練,能有身歷其境感受,當面臨災害之逃生情況時可減緩其緊張之情緒,並提升其應變能力。本研究所開發之侷限空間逃生訓練室具有可拆卸零件及快速組裝之方便、並可依路徑的變化需求做任意之修改,不受限於單一路徑、結構穩定性高、機構模組化等之優點。本研究之進行,已為國內勞工安全體感教具的製作累積一定的技術能量,所開發之產品品質較國外大廠相比毫不遜色,而所花費之成本則遠低於國外知名廠商,相當具有技術移轉與商品化之潛力,對於落實國內防災救災體系教育訓練設備之研發具有一定程度的助益。


The main work of this study is to develop a new breathing air training gallery as a simulator and conduct an actual simulation of the scene of a smoke. The proposed system is the first investigation for such research topic in Taiwan. The new prototype of breathing air training gallery can provide training scenarios on the confined space for the disaster relief personnel during firing situation. Moreover, trainee can relax its tense mood and promote its escaping and rescuing ability while in front of fire calamity by using the training gallery. The proposed training system also owns the following advantages: easy to install and uninstall of components, fast assembly, high structural stability, module mechanism design, and flexible escape path planning. Compare to the foreign products, the proposed device owns low cost benefit and high quality design. Therefore, the breathing air training gallery investigated in this research owns the potential to be developed into commercial products. As a result, the prototype developed during this study demonstrates feasibility, robustness and potential in the auxiliary labor safety trainer market.


Lin, MS(2006).Performance analysis of longitudinal ventilation systems in long road tunnels.Chang Jung Christian University.
Lin, J.,Chang, J.,Ho, S. P.,Liu, C. C.(2009).Development and demonstration of the breathing air training gallery and fire Simulator.Taiwan:Institute of Occupational Safety & Health.
