  • 期刊


Contemporary Critique on Chang Qing's Policies in the Qing Dynasty


十九世紀初期,俄國勢力進入哈薩克地區,向大清國所屬巴爾喀什湖(Lake Balkash)以東以南地區擴張,隨後將該地區擅自劃入該國版圖,並將其勢力向特穆爾圖淖爾(即現在的伊塞克湖,Lake Issyk-Kul)一帶推進。依據中俄「北京條約」規定,中俄兩國派員勘定西北邊界。俄國是想透過會勘簽訂界約方式,將該國所占領土地事實,要求清廷承認,予以合法化。並定妥割占西北邊境常住卡倫外土地方案,擬在談判時,要求清廷全盤接受。俄國隨即請清廷派出談判代表與之會商,議定兩國西北邊界相關事宜。清廷對於西北勘界一事甚爲重視,即派烏里雅蘇台將軍明誼負責與俄國談判;當時的伊犁將軍常清則奉命協助明誼辦理勘界相關事宜。常清在伊犁施政問題,前人及國外學者並無人專論探討,所以本文是對常清個案的研究。依據檔案史料,針對常清與明誼之間不合,無法合作,並導致對俄談判失敗。明誼、武隆額、明緒等諸多官員,糾舉常清行政措施違法缺失之處,最終常清被革職查辦;而伊犁亦因回部動亂,常清無力抵擋,伊犁失陷,最後亦落入俄國手中等問題進行分析與說明。


常清 明誼 卡倫 伊犁


In the beginning of the 19th century, Russia extended its influence into the Kazakh region, and expanded its territory to the east and the south of Lake Balkash, which was subsequently incorporated into Russian domain. Furthermore, Russian stretched its power to the Lake Issyk-Kul region. According to the Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing, Russia and China were supposed to send delegates to negotiate the north western borders issues. However, Russia attempted to force China to accept the legitimacy of its occupation. Besides Russian posession of the north western area, Russians also planed to permanently stay in the region beyond Karun. Finally, Russian and Chinese delegates agreed to discuss and conduct boundaries demarcation.The Qing court paid great attention to the delimitation of boundaries and sent the General of Uliasutai, Ming Yi, to negotiate with the Russian delegates. General of Ili, Chang Qing, was the one responsible for assisting Ming Yi.There are no papers discussing Chang Qing's policies in Ili. My paper will be a case study of Chang Qing, based on ancient documents and records, examining the causes of the failure of the Sino-Russian negotiation. Ming Yi and other generals had accused Chang Qing for his unlawful conduct, which caused him to be deposed and impeached. Finally, the paper will also discuss how Chang Qing could not handle Ili's internal revolt and lost it to Russia.


Chang Qing Ming Yi Karun Ili


