  • 期刊


A Study of The Song Dynasty's envoys to Liao Xi Jing and Du Lu Jin




使節 外交 遼西京 獨盧金


The Liao Xing Zong had ever to Liao Xi Jing and Du Lu Jin once respectively as the station of Dong Na Bo. As for the Liao Dao Zong, there were four times for the Du Lu Jin as the station of Dong Na Bo, however, stayed at Du Lu Jin three times for a period of time, and then went from Du Lu Jin to Liao Xi Jing. Therefore, these two places became the destination of the Song Dynasty's envoys to the Liao country for these six years, where the Song envoys met with the Liao Emperor and engaged in activities. However, the current records about the Song Dynasty's envoys to Liao Xi Jing and Du Lu Jin are not only inadequate but also so vague and contradictory till now. This author intends to discuss and research on these historical works from this text.


Song Liao envoy diplomacy Liao Xi Jing Du Lu Jin


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(元)脫脫,《宋史》,卷 351,列傳第 110,頁 11094。
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